Monday, January 01, 2007


"I got a horse right here, his name is Paul Revere,
And here's a guy who says if the weather's clear,
can do, can do.This guy says the horse can do.
If he says the horse can do, can do.
Can do, can do, can do. "—
from "Oh, God! part 2
(The song sung by a Dad after praying for his daughter's health)

Dear Sadie, You've been having acute gastritis since 2 days ago. So yesterday, when we dropped by PCMC, your Mom asked a Pedia resident, Dr. Rochelle Beltran, to give you an IV line. She agreed but requested that we do not stay around to watch while she's doing the insertion. So while your Mom was answering the referral I had merienda in the canteen. When I came back, Rochelle told me that you did not even cry when she inserted the IV. You even played with her afterwards.

You're a brave girl. Gutsy, like your sisters.

We took you home after the line was inserted and since last night you have been well hydrated and you don't vomit anymore. We'll probably remove it after you have consumed the second 500cc.

Maybe it was the food you guys ate. Last night, Ate Sabine started having the same symptoms. She is also febrile. Your Mom also had to insert an IV line. Sabine surprized me. When I tried to put the dropper in her mouth, she grabbed it from me. I thought she was going to throw it away. Instead, she took the medicine herself.

The quote above was taken from the Movie starring the late actor, George Burns (Oh God part 2). After praying for your complete and immediate recovery I try to sing it too. Off key, ofcourse. But I'm sure the Lord understands.

I pray that you guys will be okay.

Anyway, this entry was written on the last day of 2006.It's the time of the year when con artists scam you into listening to their predictions for the supposed events that will happen in the year 2007.

Mga Anakis, if you guys want to know the future, statistical and actuarial studies will help a lot but only upto a certain extent. It will depend on a lot of mathematical variables. Now if you'd ask me if astrology, feng shui and fruitcakes like madame auring, jimmy lichauco, rene mariano could predict the future, the answer will depend SOLELY on your sense of humor.

The future can only be known with exact certainty only when it is already the past (I think I got the quote from the movie "Oh, God! part 1")

Having said that, these are my top three (3) predictions for 2006:

1. While hunting for helpless birds, Dick Cheney will prove that he belongs to the "gang that couldn't shoot straight."

2. Women will prove to be getting smarter every day (Britney will divorce K-Fed/ Fed-ex, "Nicole" will continue to fight for justice and get a conviction, Wife of TV's misogynist, Revillame, will kick him out of their domicile to prevent further wife battery. etc.)

3. On Rizal day 2006, a political leader with grave sins against the Iraqi people, who caused the suffering, death of Iraqi men, women and children; who destroyed Iraqi properties worth billions of dollars; who took away Iraqi Freedom, WILL BE EXECUTED… (Oh, and it's not George W., Okay?)


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Letters to my kids about their childhood adventures

To Sage, Sabe, Sade & 3Stan

To Sage, Sabe, Sade & 3Stan