The email says:
"14th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association
31 August - 4 September, 2007
Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, 11 April, 2007
Dear Dr. Arleen Decena-Galvez,
On behalf of the Scientific Committee I have the pleasure to inform you that your abstract N° 18 with the title 'FREQUENCY OF RECURRENT URINARY TRACT INFECTION AND SIDE EFFECTS OF OM-89 AND NITROFURANTOIN IN CHILDREN WITH URINARY TRACT ABNORMALITIES IN A RANDOMIZED TRIAL: A PILOT STUDY' was accepted for POSTER presentation.
You will get a note about the date and place of your presentation by the end of April.
The poster exhibition is a very important part of the congress program which includes oral poster presentations as well as poster tours.
Posters with a clearly presented heading including the title of the presentation, names of authors and their affiliation must fit the size of the poster board: 90 cm wide and 120 cm high. The letters used should be large enough to be read from a distance of 1,5 m .
Please inform the Scientific Committee until the 30th April, the latest, in case you are not able to come to the Congress and present your poster: reusz@gyer1.sote.hu
Please note that the condition to have your presentation at the programme and your abstract published in the Abstract Book is the registration of the presenting author at the Congress. Therefore we invite you to register not later than 30 April, 2007 at the following website: www.ipna2007.com
For any queries as to registration please contact Blaguss Congress Bureau: ipna2007@blaguss-congress.hu
See you in Budapest !
With kind regards
George Reusz Tivadar Tulassay
Congress Secretary Congress President
31 August - 4 September, 2007
Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, 11 April, 2007
Dear Dr. Arleen Decena-Galvez,
On behalf of the Scientific Committee I have the pleasure to inform you that your abstract N° 18 with the title 'FREQUENCY OF RECURRENT URINARY TRACT INFECTION AND SIDE EFFECTS OF OM-89 AND NITROFURANTOIN IN CHILDREN WITH URINARY TRACT ABNORMALITIES IN A RANDOMIZED TRIAL: A PILOT STUDY' was accepted for POSTER presentation.
You will get a note about the date and place of your presentation by the end of April.
The poster exhibition is a very important part of the congress program which includes oral poster presentations as well as poster tours.
Posters with a clearly presented heading including the title of the presentation, names of authors and their affiliation must fit the size of the poster board: 90 cm wide and 120 cm high. The letters used should be large enough to be read from a distance of 1,5 m .
Please inform the Scientific Committee until the 30th April, the latest, in case you are not able to come to the Congress and present your poster: reusz@gyer1.sote.hu
Please note that the condition to have your presentation at the programme and your abstract published in the Abstract Book is the registration of the presenting author at the Congress. Therefore we invite you to register not later than 30 April, 2007 at the following website: www.ipna2007.com
For any queries as to registration please contact Blaguss Congress Bureau: ipna2007@blaguss-congress.hu
See you in Budapest !
With kind regards
George Reusz Tivadar Tulassay
Congress Secretary Congress President
congrats! :)
thanx Tin!from ayheen
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