Dear Sage, We got your report Card last Friday. It was inside a transparent envelope where you keep your exam papers. in it You wrote a note: Fat Guy and Mommy, This is For YOU...
All your grades are OUTSTANDING. Except for Math, Science, Reading and Christian Living... They are VERY OUTSTANDING.
In Fact, you are one of only 3 other students in your class who will be taking advanced lessons in math.
Math is the language of natural science. It's definitely not my strongest suit. Thank God it's one of yours.
This week is historic in the annals of Science. Physicists in France and Switzerland started using the Large Hadron Collider. If they are lucky, the LHC may give us a glimpse of the first few, microseconds just after the BigBang. A time when the four fundamental forces of nature are still unified and when the largest particles in nature are even smaller than a Hadron. There was controversy over the use of LHC because some people wanted to stop these physicists from turning it on because they feared that the LHC will bring about the end of the world.
People who are not well-versed in science and Math are dangerous to Change and Progress.
When the technology called "X-Ray" was in its infancy, law makers in some parts of the US want it banned in theaters. Their reason? To protect the dignity of women. They falsely concluded that the x-ray will be used to take pictures of women's undergarments while still dressed in victorian corsets.
Ignorance. It hasn't changed its tactics: From those who want the xray banned to those who want to shut down the LHC. They fear what they can not understand.
Keep on studying and exploring so that you will learn to read God's word written in the Bible... and God's laws written in nature.
had it not been for the stubbornness of men with great imagination, the world will still be flat.
great work, sage. keep living up to your name, sweetheart.
scientists have found out that kids' IQ come from their moms. so...congrats ayheen!
oh, galing mo rin, doc. nyehehe.
oh, btw, i like sage's sense of humor. and obedience. ang bait na bata. haaay.
like her humor? easy for you to say. hindi ikaw yung sinasabihan nya ng "Fat guy" sa harap nung mga sexying teachers nya at mga deprave single moms.
"When the technology called "X-Ray" was in its infancy, law makers in some parts of the US want it banned in theaters. Their reason? To protect the dignity of women. They falsely concluded that the x-ray will be used to take pictures of women's undergarments while still dressed in victorian corsets."
no kidding?? that is preposterous!
did you hear that hackers tried to hack the LHC?
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